Kirk collection

Dublin Core


Kirk collection

Collection Items

Photo of Noel Greaves c.1930
Noel Greaves c.1930 in the field opposite Longcliffe Hill Farm.

Photo of Greaves family in the Crown 1959/60
L-R Doreen Greaves, Dorothy Greaves & Ivy Nicholson in private quarters of the Crown Inn (located to the right of the bar). 1959/60.

Photo of Jim Hart on Main Street with Hunt 1960s
Jim Hart supports the Hunt as they gather on Main Street in 1960's.

Photos of Ronald Greaves and family at the Horticultural Show c.1964
Old Dalby Horticultural Show. The event was held in the original village hall, on Longcliff Hill, where the school hall now stands. 1) Mrs Bird and exhibitor Ronald Greaves, with his grand daughter Hazel; 2) Ronald Greaves with his grandson, Ian; 3)…

Junior exhibitors at the Horticultural Show, 1966
Junior exhibitors at the local Horticultural Show in 1966. Hazel and Ian Greaves (2nd/3rd left, front row)

Mr and Mrs R Greaves 1972
Mr & Mrs Greaves (Ronald & Dorothy) at an event in the village hall, c1972.

Lucy Loseby, White Cottage 1970s
Lucy Loseby (aunt to Hazel Kirk, nee Greaves) outside the family home, White Cottage, Chapel Lane, in the 1970s.

First of 2 articles on the history of the Old Hall
February 1970. First of a two-part feature on The Old Hall, written by Marion Freeman-Attwood. It looks into the history of Old Dalby and The Hall over the centuries.

Second of 2 articles on the history of the Old Hall
March 1970. Second of a two-part feature on The Old Hall, written by Marion Freeman-Attwood. It looks into the history of Old Dalby and The Hall over the centuries.

Excerpt from 1881 census for Old Hall
1881 British Census, Old Dalby Hall - Perkins family & William Underwood
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